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Books & Media

Below are some of the books I have gotten or read on Type 1 Diabetes, and what I thought of them. Feel free to add any suggestions in the comments section below!



Think like a Pancreas

A Practical Guide to Managing Diabetes With Insulin
Gary Scheiner

I've only just started this book, but I already love it. Scheiner goes into the science while still offering practical advice for how to live with Type 1, care for someone who has the disease, and what makes management of Type 1 so critical right now (a happier, healthier life). He also has a pretty good sense of humor! He is a trained exercise physiologist and diabetes educator, who also lives with Type 1 himself, so you know you can trust his advice and broad range of personal and scientific knowledge.


Bright Spots and Landmines

The Diabetes Guide I Wish Someone Had Handed Me
Adam Brown

As the subtitle suggests, this book is written by someone with Type 1 diabetes himself, and contains essentially an in-depth list of practical advice for living with Type 1. Adam's advice is to focus on the bright spots of diabetes management--things that go well, such as maintaining in-range blood sugars and eating well-- and try to do the things that cause bright spots more often. Alternatively, he discusses some of the most common "landmines" he hits in his personal diabetes management, and how we can all avoid these day to day. This book focuses less on the scientific why, but still offers plenty of solid advice, especially for someone learning about their new diagnosis.


Sugar Surfing

How to Manage Type 1 Diabetes in a Modern World
Ponder, M.D. & McMahan

I haven't read this one yet, but I've heard good things. This book emphasizes techniques for managing diet and insulin dosage to keep blood sugar in range. The goal of this book seems to be to address the disconnect that often arises between a diabetic's actions and their resulting blood sugar levels-- it can often be hard to figure out what to attribute changes in blood sugar to, as there are at least 42 factors that affect it!

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